Happy Monday! I returned from a business trip in Yosemite last week, and I just got my laptop back after sending it in for a hard drive upgrade (SSD, FTW!).
I’ve done a few things around the house since my ombre dresser project. To start, I’ve continued work in the guest room with a new lamp.

Since all of our bedrooms have no ceiling lights, and it’s way too expensive to get the set-up installed, I have to get creative with lamps. I knew from the beginning I wanted a tripod floor lamp, mainly because I didn’t see a single-pole lamp being stable enough on carpet. After doing a lot of looking around, West Elm had the perfect lamp for a reasonable price compared to the average look-alike out there. And boy does it give off a good amount of light!

It’s a good thing I found a nice, bright lamp because I also got new light-blocking curtains for the guest room. Since the room faces the street and gets the most light in the morning, light-blocking curtains were definitely needed.

I picked these up from Target, and I think they look much better than the former white ones (which had a hole in them).
For my office, I got a new trashcan that I no longer have to hide when taking photos of the room.

The entryway got a new rug just in time for Spring/Summer…

I took two IKEA LACK tables and combined them into one side table…

And last, but not least, we got a brand new mattress for the master bedroom.

Our old mattress was the cheapest queen we could find from IKEA, and while it served its purpose over the years, recently it was doing more harm than good to our backs. Now we have a super comfy mattress, and we’ve been sleeping much better ever since!
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