Site Launch: The Lovely Geek

Web Design

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  1. Carolynne says:

    Congratulations on your site launch! I love it so far. I am going to poke around a bit but it looks fabulous so far. I love the idea of only have excerpts on the main page. Very clean. I also love the idea of Advanced Custom Fields! I have been experimenting with them on an online store I manage for a magazine and LOVE them! Great job and all your work has definitely paid off.

  2. Georgie says:

    Gorgeous layout, Cristina! Now our blogs use almost the same colours – crazy how many shades of red and blue there can be! At the same time, your blog looks totally different from mine ? I am really loving the colours though, of course.

    I tried not long ago to get rid of a lot of plugins I didn’t need, and tried to bake functions into the theme itself. When you get your head around it, it really helps!

    I consider myself very good at using Git. I use the command line as opposed to a GUI, as I just find it a lot easier and I remember a lot of commands by heart.

    I’ve never been a fan of Disqus, and what is actually stopping me from using a static site generator is because none of them have their own built-in commenting system and I refuse to use Disqus. Mainly because they say that your content belongs to them… and I just don’t like having control over that.

    Great job with the new blog! 🙂

    • Cristina says:

      Hah, I was thinking about the color thing – totally unintentional, it just ended up working out that way. It’s a great color scheme. 😉

      Thanks for the feedback Georgie! Happy to get back in the swing of things with blogging!

  3. Liz says:

    This theme reminds me a lot of this parent theme based on Genesis, created specifically for food blogs. :p It’s also a little hilarious to me how many bloggers are into turquoise—my new blog theme is turquoise. ?

    Whilst I comment on a few blogs using Disqus, I much prefer the native WordPress comments system. I think the only time I really prefer Disqus is when I’m reading and commenting a Blogspot blog. I have a hard time with Google’s integrated comment system a lot, so Disqus just makes it easier. I have never considered it for my own blog, however.

    I switched to excerpts several years ago, mostly because the full posts on the index page is too much, and one post per page is also too much. It became tedious for me, personally, and I wanted to display more of my posts on the homepage.

    My bounce rate is really low—I have a lot of inbound links, because I’m so #linkhappy. ?

    • Cristina says:

      I’ve never looked at the Genesis theme until today. I guess I can see what you mean as a far as layout goes. Yeah I’ve definitely noticed the trend in turqoise, but to be fair, I’ve been using turquoise as part of my Lovely Geek brand for about 6 years now. ?

      I never liked Disqus, but on my old blog I decided to try it out to see if it would boost comments. It didn’t, so I switched back. One less plugin!

      Thanks for stopping by, Liz! Appreciate your thoughts!

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