Painting the Front Door


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  1. Carolynne says:

    I’m going to be honest, I wasn’t sure I would like the colour of your new door before you painted it. However, the end result looks great! I do like the colour very much. I can’t say I could ever use the BM brand though. Peter is manager at General Paint (who are owned by Sherwin Williams) so I will always buy paint from them, no matter what. I think they have wonderful products anyway.

    • You know, I kinda felt the same way at first, especially after I went and got the paint sample. Once I put the actual color on the door I felt confident in my color choice

      I’d probably use Sherwin Williams, but the paint shop I went to for Benjamin Moore is super close to my house compared to Sherwin Williams (about 10 miles or so away).

  2. I love the color of the door! It turned out great!

  3. Terry Smiley says:

    Hey Cristina, I painted my front door red and it makes the house have a whole different look. Great work!


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