2015: A Year in Review


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  1. Georgie says:

    Congratulations to your sister on graduating! 😀 Also I adore that photo of you and the girls in the Benz. It’s so cute!

    It sounds like you had a really eventful year with lots of friends and family. I love seeing other people with their families since I don’t get to spend a lot of time with mine – nearly all of them are overseas. Looks like we both went through job changes too, I hope yours has been treating you well! Your post also makes me realise I have been meaning to see more musicals and totally have not been doing that at all in the past couple of years.

    Wednesday Addams – I can’t remember if I read that about that before or not, but I dressed up as her for a couple of Halloweens and dress parties because I liked putting my own spin on her. I did a ‘grown up’ Wednesday by wearing heels and a ‘version’ of her dress – it wasn’t exactly the same but I had a black button-up shirt that was half white, and a mid-length tube skirt, and I parted my hair in the middle but didn’t braid it. I enjoyed doing that.

    I hope your PCOS has become easier to deal with over time. My best friend was diagnosed some years ago and I know two other girls who have it – it’s strangely more common than I realised. It always seems to be a tough road finding the right treatment but I hope it gets better for you. Lady problems suck and I’m personally in the process of figuring out what has been causing unusually excruciating monthly pains. 🙁

    Lots of love for 2016! 🙂 🙂

  2. amerz says:

    I’m jealous of your fondue dinner!! Mmmmm… Congrats on 5 years of marriage 🙂

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