Happy New Year! Joshua and I hosted our annual New Year’s Party, so we celebrated with good friends, good food, and lots of confetti!

One of the activities we did is had people fill out some 2015 memory cards. Here’s the memories people shared:
Most Overrated Celebrity Story This Year
- Anything having to do with the Kardashians (3 votes)
Most Embarrassing Moment of the Year
- Pooped myself ☹️
- Walking in on my roommate and her BF 😳
- Spilling scalding tea all down my pants while teaching my 1st class of the day
Best Piece of Advice You Got This Year
- Wake up early and go to sleep late; live a long life alive and not asleep.
- Burn your fear like fuel for the rocket of your success.
Newsworthy Event with the Most Impact
Most Memorable Moment in Pop Culture History
Most Memorable Trip of the Year
- Visiting California this week
- San Fran -> Santa Cruz -> Big Sur -> Pismo Beach
- Trip to Wadena, MN
Biggest Lesson Learned
- There is more than one right way to do things. Other people’s opinions are valuable. Yay!
- It’s better to have loved and lost.
Day This Past Year You’d Live Over and Over
Best Movie of the Year
- Star Wars: The Force Awakens (4 votes)
Favorite Holiday Memory of the Year
- New Years Eve
- White Elephant Party!
Favorite Song of the Year
Hardest You Laughed This Year
- Downtown Sacramento with prostitutes
Best Moment of the Year
- Getting engaged!! (2 votes)
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