Lifestyle Changes I’ve Made for Fertility


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  1. Dani says:

    You’ve been through so much and I am blown away at how you always pick yourself up and keep moving forward! Your journey has been incredible to watch. ❤️

  2. Michelle says:

    I am so sorry that you had a miscarriage :/ I can’t imagine how difficult it is to go through but I am glad that you’re getting healthier because of your PCOS. I know a lot of women with this and they have struggled with it. I wish you luck

  3. Georgie says:

    I’m glad to hear you are doing much better, Cristina 🙂 I’ve also heard that women who experience miscarriages will often feel like they have done something wrong, and it’s a big burden on them when they don’t deserve it. I’m glad you feel better both mentally and physically ❤️

  4. Carolynne says:

    It is amazing to hear how well you are taking care of your body and mind. Keep at it girl and I pray your dreams will come true.

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