We’ve done a lot with the house so far, and one of the things I wanted to show in particular is our bedroom. Today our new bed arrived from Crate & Barrel.
Here’s what the space looked like prior to us moving in…

Back at the duplex we had a cheap NORESUND bed frame from IKEA. At the time it was all we could afford (it was better than a deflating air mattress), but we decided to set a bit of money aside for a much nicer bed once we moved. Plus, Joshua sleeps on his side and his shoulder would be sore from feeling the metal frame on the NORESUND.
We traded the matching tables in for MALM drawer night stands (hides all our clutter) and invested in a matching MALM dresser. Awhile back I bought a GRÖNÖ lamp, which I used in my old room at my parents house, so I brought that down and got another one for Joshua’s side of the bed.
The two nice blue pillows belonged to my Nana which she used on the sofa. They’re providing a nice colorful touch to the room, and I think I am going to use them to base my curtains off of. As for a comforter, I’m leaning towards the Organic Cotton Pin-Tuck Duvet Cover from West Elm in Sea Spray. We’ve always gone with dark bedding and it has brought out the obvious that we let cats sleep on our bed; therefore we’re going for a lighter, more airier type of setting. That and we want 100% cotton because it’s comfortable and easy to clean, unlike the nice dry-clean only bedset we had awhile back.
I wasn’t planning on putting any curtains up around the window over the bed. What little light that manages to get through doesn’t disturb us sleeping, so I was thinking of adding some thick white trim to make it an accent window. My mom thinks I should get a valance, and my sis thinks I should just drape a scarf valance over it. I’m kinda leaning towards my sister’s idea, but it depends on what curtains I get for the other window which also depends on the comforter I get. Ahhh decisions!

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