Despite battling allergies-turned-sinus infection over the weekend, I managed to channel what energy I did have into getting some new paint up on the walls in the living room.
Here’s what the space looked like before…

Originally when we painted the living room we were rushed to get this done in time for our housewarming party. Since it’s also one of the most complicated spots in our house to paint, we didn’t spend too much time deciding on a color; it was a let’s just get this done and over with type of thing. Later on we regretted the color choice as it blended in with the ceiling color too much.
Now we cleaned things up adding a nice accent color. We sold our old sound system replacing it with a sound-bar and we mounted the TV to the wall.

We also did the same thing in our media room.

When we started our paint selection process for the living room, we narrowed it down to three colors: Behr’s Island Oasis, Behr’s Jamaica Bay, and Behr’s Aqua Spray.

We left up the tests for about a week, but it was clear from the beginning the middle one, Jamaica Bay, was the winner.

We were planning on doing the whole living room, but we’re really digging it as an accent color.
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