Since this week is both the anniversary of my first miscarriage AND my would-have-been due date, Joshua and I decided to get away for the week and go to Hawaii. We’ve both never been, and it’s someplace we’ve always wanted to go. It’s the perfect place to escape from sad memories.
We’re also calling it our second honeymoon. We spent our original honeymoon in Disney World where it was record low freezing temperatures, way too many people, long lines, and we were both sick with nasty colds; we basically spent our honeymoon cold, sick, and exhausted. This trip to Hawaii is DEFINITELY making up for that!
We got here yesterday afternoon after flying out from Sacramento early in the morning.

We checked into our hotel a couple hours early so we had to wait around a little bit until our room was ready. Once it was we got settled and relaxed a bit before exploring.

After a power nap we explored the resort and got an early dinner (we hadn’t adjusted to island time quite yet).

We explored the resort some more, and we stopped by the activities desk to book a few excursions for the week, one of which is a Thanksgiving luau! Ended the night with some ice cream and watching the sunset on the beach.

Couldn’t have asked for a more perfect first day!
Oh and shout-out to Dani for housesitting and fur-babysitting while we are gone! 💖
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Sounds like the trip is starting off just perfectly 😀