PCOS Awareness: My Diagnosis


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  1. Georgina Camillo-Chamberlain says:

    Thank you Cristina, this was excellent information. I am sharing it with my girls who were diagnosed with this a couple of years ago after I started reading your blog.

  2. Dani says:

    Super informative, well-thought out blog post. Thank you for sharing your journey, sister. <3

  3. Joy says:

    I was diagnosed with PCOS after a year of a non-stop period. I went to three different doctors until I opted to see a reproductive endocrinologist and they diagnosed me with PCOS. I was blessed because I don’t have problems with blood sugar, gluten or cyst (I’ve only had one so far) but weight gain and anovulation have made getting pregnant tough.

    I’m glad that you have a great healthcare team behind you now! That is really one of the most important things to have with PCOS.

    • Cristina says:

      Wow, that’s crazy having a non-stop period for so long! It sucks you had to go through some many doctors to get a diagnosis. Good to hear you finally got some answers though. And yes, having a great healthcare team is so important!

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