Today was my first day at my new school Art Institute of California – Sacramento. Kind of a switch from my junior college schedules, I now have class Tuesday through Friday, as opposed to Monday through Thursday. I also only have one class a day, but they’re roughly 4 hour long classes (with breaks every hour). My first two classes are 8-11:50am and the other two are 1-4:50pm.
Since I last blogged about my school schedule it changed again. In fact when I went through orientation it changed because I tested out of a class and was put in another. Orientation was a great day, especially since I hit it off right away with one of the instructors leading me to test out of a class. I’ll find out how I did on the test Thursday, but I have a feeling I did okay since I had to make a web site, hehe.
The classes I’m officially taking this quarter are: Fundamentals in Graphic Design, Color Theory, Introduction to Programming Logic, and Fundamentals of Drawing.
Since all the housekeeping stuff is going on with my classes, I’ll most likely get a better sense of things next week. Still, with all the art classes I am taking I feel like I can let my inner artist come out and learn how to do things I’ve wanted to do but wasn’t confident enough in doing. I get to draw again. I’m excited.
Yes, I love my school so far. I feel like I found where I belong.
Here’s my hat, fellas. I’m staying where I’m at, fellas. Dolly’ll never go away again!