A Dapper Weekend in Disneyland


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  1. Georgina Camillo-Chamberlain says:

    You both rock the retro look!
    Lauren is spending 7 months in an internship at DisneyWorld. Maybe I can go visit her when they have Dapper Days!

  2. Carolynne says:

    So fun! What a great sister experience. I hope its the first of many dapper days for you.

    • Cristina says:

      Me too! Do you think you’d ever give it a shot? I could totally see you doing a spin on vintage meets Canadian! 😜

  3. Karin says:

    Disneyland must be fun as it is (I’ve never been, but I can imagine), but Dapper Day sounds like extra special fun 😀 You both looked stunning, I love every single one of the dresses you wore!

  4. Georgie says:

    I heard about Dapper Day from someone on YouTube. I don’t watch YouTube much but Nick watches a lot of Disney-related stuff on YouTube. We’ll be going to Disneyworld on our U.S. trip next month 🙂

    Your sister has a lovely collection of dresses! 😱 Also, the Ariel dress totally looks like the dress emoji 👗 I actually have a dress in a similar colour but it doesn’t fit me well (bit on the tight side, lol).

    It looks like you had an incredible amount of fun 🙂 I used to dislike Disneyland as I am not really into theme parks, and I didn’t have a great first experience at my first one many many years ago (Tokyo Disneyland), but Nick has got me more interested in it and we did have a good time at the Paris one and more recently the Tokyo one.

    • Cristina says:

      Ahhh that’s so exciting you’re coming out to Disney World! We went there on our honeymoon, and there was SO much to see! Hope you guys have enough time blocked out for it. 🙃

      I was actually talking to Joshua about trying to do Dapper Day in Disneyland Paris next year as a way for us to get out of the country. I’ve seen videos of some of the attractions at Tokyo’s and they look amazing!


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