I don’t have an answer.


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  1. jcliken says:

    I am so sorry that you don’t have an answer. I can’t imagine how frustrating that is for you. All that you can really do is continue to take amazing care of yourself and constantly remember that none of it is your fault. I find myself blaming my health and my body but you know what? These things are out of our control. They suck and they hurt but I just know that one day you will find your happiness.

    Will continue to think of you and your husband!

  2. Heather Kaup says:

    I know this won’t help & I am behind you 100%. Maybe there was just something wrong with the little one & Nature knew so Nature took care of it. I know we don’t talk & I am sorry about that. I would give you lots of hugs, tell you to hang in there, & keep trying.

    My mother went through all this (or as much as they had in the 80’s) because she miscarried three times before I showed up. Then I was a twin & there was something wrong with my twin & it miscarried before it even developed more then a sac. Given what I know now about my own self (mental disorders & PCOS) I wonder if my mom had that & that was what the issue it.

    Since there was “no reason” for you to not be able to carry to term I would follow the Dr. directions (which I know you are doing) & keep trying. My fingers are crossed for you.

    P.S. I love the new house.

    • Cristina says:

      Thanks, Heather. They did do testing on the fetus after my D&E and there was nothing wrong, so it’s a mystery why things happened the way they did.

  3. Wow, you’ve been through so much this year. I really hope the next time you try to conceive it goes a lot better. I’m rooting for you.

  4. Carolynne says:

    Wow. I’m sorry to hear there’s no direct answers (because it’s always good to have reasons why things happen), but also grateful there are no serious disorders. I guess bad things happen and it’s a part of life and we just have to learn to live and continue on our journey. I hope and pray for a healthy and successful adventure when you and Joshua are ready to TTC. There is nothing I want more for you but success and happiness.


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