Coping With Pregnancy After Loss


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  1. Jem says:

    I hear you on so many of these things. After I had a missed miscarriage with my twins I had so much mental baggage that I didn’t even start to process until years later, but a big part of that was this overwhelming anxiety at every stage of my subsequent pregnancies.

    I remember when I was about 12 weeks pregnant with Isabel, getting out of bed at 4am feeling like I needed to pee and making it a few steps across the room before I had a MASSIVE bleed and I broke down – it was terrifying and confusing and so many things hit me at once. Everything ended up fine, obviously, but it was crushing in ways I couldn’t have imagined.

    I know from my experience that there’s not much I can say that will help until baby is lying safe and sound in your arms (and then different worries come!) but do know that what you’re feeling is expected and normal. I think of you often and wish you all the best as your pregnancy progresses.

    • Cristina says:

      OMG I can’t even imagine how I’d be if I experienced blood at any stage in the game. When it happened during my first I almost blacked out, and Joshua didn’t even know I was pregnant yet. That’s awful, and I’m so sorry you had to go through that.

      Thank you for sharing your story and for having my back! ❤️

  2. Joy says:

    This. All of this is way I fear if we ever get pregnant again. This is going to sound weird but I have secondhand anxiety for you because of my own trauma. Do I contact her and ask her how she’s doing? No! Maybe she just wants to be left alone with her feelings, you’re intruding. Maybe I should start sewing a baby blanket for her? No, it would be your fault if she’s left with a reminder if anything may go wrong.

    I feel for you and I pray that you find some peace. Omgosh, it is going to be hard to find it but I hope that when you’re holding your bundle of joy that you are able to look back and know that you had some peace ❤️.

    • Cristina says:

      It’s interesting you mention the secondhand anxiety because I was just reading an article about that yesterday. I know I definitely experienced that too which is why I felt SO much relief every time I found out that person made it to the next milestone.

      Thank you for your support! I’m praying for you guys as well. ❤

  3. Marty says:

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts, anxieties and deep feelings. I can’t even truly imagine but I love you so very much and my support is unending. Love Dad.

  4. Bree says:

    Thank you for sharing your story. It really helps to reach a lot of people that are going through similar experiences than you. I’ve also tried to get pregnant and have not had success. I currently don’t have insurance to even go more into detail about what the problem is. My significant other thinks that it may be him. It’s hard to motivate him to even want to go get checked out. I’ve always wanted to be a mother since I was a little girl. I’m not entering my mid-thirties and fearing that I may never be a mother. I hope I’m wrong. All I can say is thank you for all that you are doing! I’ll keep reading your blog!

    • Cristina says:

      Oh Bree, I’m so sorry you’re experiencing all of this. It’s definitely been a long road to figuring out my fertility issues, and I can’t even imagine what that experience is like without the support of insurance. Everyone’s journey is different, and mine specifically has been related mainly to diet and wellness, something that couldn’t be figured out with insurance. I started seeing an amazing nutritionist and wellness expert who focuses on the holistic side shortly after my second loss, and I truly believe that my work with her has helped me with this 3rd pregnancy. She doesn’t do insurance and is very flexible with budget, so if it’s a route you’re interested in I highly recommend my gal, Dawna.

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