Today we FINALLY got the keys to our new house! We were supposed to get them Friday, but our paperwork didn’t get to the recorder on time and the owners didn’t want to sign an interim agreement letting us move in over the weekend. Needless to say we were pretty peeved.
It was a bummer to sit around all weekend and just wait. The good news is everything went through today, and we began to move.
Here’s a selfie Dani snapped en route to moving some of our stuff up.
Such an awesome helper! ????
We moved a bunch of stuff up, and were able to have a few family members to over to check out the place. Also, this was Tucker’s first trip to the new home, and he absolutely loves his new backyard.

Tomorrow I’m going to begin painting the master bedroom, so we can move our bed up shortly after. We’ve also got to order a refrigerator since the owners took theirs. Internet gets installed tomorrow along with more furniture moving. Got a lot to get done this week!
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Whoohoo! 😀