This year’s Halloween was SO MUCH better than last year’s Halloween! Why? Because I partied with great people instead of mourning over the loss of my grandma. And this, my friends, is a much better thing!

This year I went as Princess Leia, which I haven’t gone as since 4th grade. Meanwhile, Joshua went as Captain Kirk complete with his own lil Starfleet phaser.
We hosted our very first Halloween party at our new place. Everyone that RSVPed “yes” on my Facebook invite showed up, which makes me believe that saying “maybe” is the new polite “no”. Still, for the people that did come we had a lot of fun. My mom, sis, and her friend showed up a little early to help me decorate the house. While there were decorating I cleaned and managed to run out to the store for last minute items before people started showing up.

My sister was mustard and her friend Becca was ketchup. They were cute lil condiments, hehe! They ended up going Trick-or-Treating around the neighborhood during the party.

Stephen and Amanda brought Renee over who was dressed as a pumpkin. Amanda was supposed to be Miley Cirus and Stephen was supposed to be a Russian supermodel, haha.

Amber was a vampire and then Stephen got in our picture pretending to me our midget child. This picture cracks me up everytime I see it!

My friend Leah came by dressed up as a Japanese school girl, her cousin was a 20’s flapper girl, and her friend Kim was a sexy Starbucks barista. Leah’s fiance Jameson (not pictured) didn’t have a specific costume, it was more of a look that reminded me on Van Helsing. Later on their friend Nate showed up pretending to be a Jehovah’s witness.

And then there was my lovely photographer Debbie dressed as a fairy! She spent the majority of the time taking tons of pics with both her Nikon D40 and my Nikon D3000.

The best part of my evening was when two little trick-or-treaters showed up as Darth Vader and Obi-Wan; they ended up wanting to get a picture with me. Too cute!
Overall I had an awesome time, and I can’t wait to party next year!
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